The first thermal insulation combination screw fixing that can be countersunk together with the integrated insulation cap.

Technical Data Sheet

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Features and benefits

  • Accurate countersunk setting automatically sets the fixing flush with the insulation layer
  • Integrated insulation cap (with unique surface reinforcement) equalizes thermal conductivity over the fixing point, whilst also leveling out drying times of render.
  • Unique sleeve compression zone for precision installations.
  • Simple countersunk installation in all substrates (A,B,C,D,E).
  • The long plastic overmoulding on the TFIX-8ST screw minimises thermal bridging (value 0.001-0,002W/K), contributing to energy-saving benefits
  • The shortest embedment depth at the maximum strength parameters
  • Unique design allows for high load-bearing capacities. This reduces the quantity of fixings required per square metre of insulation
  • Plate stiffness (value 0.6 kN/mm) ensures smooth elevation surface and stable insulation system.
  • Pre-assembled elements of the fixing saves time and labour

Base material

  • Concrete C12/15-C50/60 (Use category A)

    Concrete C12/15-C50/60 (Use category A)

  • Solid Brick (Use category B)

    Solid Brick (Use category B)

  • Solid Sand-lime Brick (Use category B)

    Solid Sand-lime Brick (Use category B)

  • Hollow Brick (Use category C)

    Hollow Brick (Use category C)

  • Hollow Sand-lime Brick (Use category C)

    Hollow Sand-lime Brick (Use category C)

  • Vertically-perforated clay block (Use category C)

    Vertically-perforated clay block (Use category C)

  • Lightweight Concrete Block (Use category C)

    Lightweight Concrete Block (Use category C)

  • Hollow Lightweight Concrete Block (Use category D)

    Hollow Lightweight Concrete Block (Use category D)

  • Reinforced components of lightweight aggregate concrete (Use category D)

    Reinforced components of lightweight aggregate concrete (Use category D)

  • Aerated Concrete Block (Use category D)

    Aerated Concrete Block (Use category D)


  • Polystyrene (EPS) boards
  • Mineral wool (MW) boards
  • Polyurethane (PU) boards
  • External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS)

Installation guide

Installation guide
Installation guide
Installation guide
Installation guide
Installation guide
Installation guide
Installation guide
  1. Drill a hole of required diameter and depth
  2. Drilling depth of min 35mm in A,B,C,D materials and 75mm in Aerated Concrete Block
  3. Lightly tap the plastic sleeve through the insulation material into hole with a hammer, until fixing depth is reached
  4. Embedment depth of min 25mm in A,B,C,D materials and 65mm in Aerated Concrete Block
  5. When using the KWX-63 the teeth should be embedded in the insulation material after hammering.


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  • ce
  • iso 9001
  • ISO 4001
  • isots16949
  • ohsas 18001
  • tuv